Saturday, June 13, 2009

My "Spirited Child"

This is my spirited child.

Being Erika's mother has been such a rewarding experience thus far. she is so different from Megan, who is very special in her own way and for her own reasons. But for now, lets talk about this one.
I have had a wide range of new emotions with this one. Not only does her extreme love and affection bring out the most enduring love from within my soul, but her wild and crazy tantrums can make my blood boil and cause such feelings of anger and frustration that I have trouble knowing how to handle them myself.

I am really excited to get myself a new book. It's called: "Raising your Spirited Child".
It has been recommended to me by many people and i'm sure my own mother wishes she had such a book when I was little.
I was scanning through some of it's pages on tonight and was amazed at how familiar I was with it already.
Erika is A LOT like I was as a child, Cute (lol), funny, sweet, VERY sensitive, and FIESTY! or SPIRITED as they call it. I know she will be a dynamic determined adult but I really need to figure out how to help her deal with her emotions and feelings and frustrations as a child.

It's funny, but sometimes when she is freaking out and kicking and screaming, often kicking ME if I get in the way, I'm surprised to find that instead of feeling mad I feel sad. I feel empathy. I can remember freaking out at my sisters as a young girl....I didnt' know how to control my strong emotions and I would just take it out on them....they were kind and loving enough to put up with me and try to help me through it.
Even now as an adult, I struggle to control my emotions. I was thinking tonight that maybe part of Heavenly Father 's plan of me having a spirited child was to help me see myself in her and by teaching her, actually teach myself:)

I Love Erika so much and i'm excited to start reading and learning and applying.
I feel so blessed to have such great children..and it's amazing and humbling to see their differences and know that Heavenly Father has trusted me to raise them and teach them. To help them with their strengths AND their weaknesses no matter what they may be:)

anyway...just wanted to share that...if you have a spirited child, you may want to look the book up too:):)


Erin said...
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Erin said...

I SOOOOO relate on this one!! I was one, now I have my Evan. He is so sweet & loving & sensitive, but definitely gets controlled by his emotions more.

I totally have the same experience with feeling empathy when he loses it. It's hard to be a kid sometimes! :)

Thanks for the recommendation - I may be looking up that book myself!

lynz said...

if you were a spirited child and you turned out this good, i can't wait to see what's in store for erika's future :) hope the book helps!

Tricia said...

Loved this book. Really helped me understand my Jayna. She is now 6 years old and has really mellowed out (which means I have too;)

Im sure you'll enjoy the book... let us know what you thought of it.

take care

Linds said...

The book sounds good. Another FANTASTIC book it "Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child" by John Gottman. It's AMAZING!! It has helped me so much. I call it my second bible. Worth picking up.

Jenny May McKim said...

I think I might have to pick up that book and read it to be ready. I am sure with the twins one of them will be a "spirited child" if not both of them.
You'll have to let us know how the reading of it went...

The Hill Family said...

Yes, please post your thoughts when you are done with the book. I'm not sure if Carter will be spirited or not but he is definately more emotional than his older cousins already! Phew...I think I'm finally caught up with your blog? How's the training going? Guess I now need to get caught up on Beach Body blog to find out! It's crazy how life just stops when I'm teaching. I've heard that the first year is the worst because of all the planning and stuff. Hopefully it will get less crazy!

Katie said...

i think it's so great that you are willing to teach yourself how to help your child. i think too many parents give up and just let their children act however. the world needs more moms like you! love you!