Friday, September 12, 2008

Are you keeping up???????

yes, I know i've put up FIVE posts today...but crazy things just keep happening! I can't help it!!

anyhoo....Guess what???
Erika just went PEEEEEEEEEEEE on the Potty!!! that's a poop and pee in one day!!


Linds said...

Ok, slow down on the blogging. Geez! J/K!!

Lacey said...

Oh my gosh, are you kidding me! I ca't belive you are potty raining! I want to get AJ out of the dipers ASAP. You will have to teach me your tricks so he can be a potty user. Also I feel so bad for ou and for little Erika! what a bummer. I just noticed your comments on my blog, sorry I never look back but thanks! I felt bad for blog stocking you now I know ou have looked at mine and don't feel like such a creeper! he he, anyways 5 days till the big move and I am getting so exited. I am just looking for a washer/dryer on-line and then everything will be set up. Our number is 503-255-0514 and should be set up Friday. Can wait!

The Hill Family said...

Yea for Erika; she looked so proud in the pictures! Kind of a rollar coaster day for her, huh? I'm sorry about the bee. I'm sure it was more traumatizing for you than her!!